Got the Travel Bug? Put Your Property to (hashtag)WORK

While traveling around seeing the sites and generally enjoying life, I run into other kindred travelers who offer up their empty houses, condos, apartments, even offices that are totally dormant for months, sometimes years at a time. Its great to be offered a place to stay in Los Angeles, Salt Lake, Washington (state and DC!)… Read more »

Movies, music, books and Cannabis

What do a lot of people enjoy doing while getting high? Watching movies, reading books and listening to music, especially when it is about marijuana! Curling up on the couch with a fat joint and a great stoner movie is always a good way to end the day. There are a lot of movies about… Read more »

Vacationing in LA – Celebrity Style

World Famous Hollywood Sign

Who hasn’t wanted to visit Los Angeles and be treated like a celebrity? Luckily for me, I have come across the perfect opportunity for it! My best friend has been living in Germany for a few years since graduating from college. I am super excited that she has some time off and wants to go… Read more »

Dance the Night Away in Italy This Summer

Italy is not just for the culturati and gastronomically-inclined among us. There is no shortage of activities – especially for lovers of good, live music – for visitors considering a trip to the boot of Europe during the summer. From the cheap and unpretentious hiking available in the less-visited southern regions of Sicily or Salerno… Read more »

Should you be sharing your travel experiences?

Traveling can be lots of fun, and we all want to keep lasting memories of the experiences we may have had during our travels. That is why we take photos or videos of the sites we may have visited. We then often choose to share these memories with our loved ones – our family and… Read more »

Island hopping for everyone

If you view island hopping as something that only gap year students do then you’re seriously missing out! Of course, this is still a very popular activity for those heading off for a year between studies, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the general population can’t enjoy it too. The most popular areas… Read more »

Top Seven Reasons to Fly First Class With Kids

  Much has been said about the benefits of the first class flights. These benefits become even more apprehensible when flying with kids. Here are top 7 reasons to choose first class when flying with children provided by No Waiting for the Bathroom This is really important, as kids are very impatient. Indeed, children… Read more »

Financial Tips for Travelling Abroad

coachella top 10 music festivals of 2014

Planning a Trip Abroad? Hopefully the other posts on this site have inspired you to do so, and if so, you are very welcome! However, before you jet off to that island getaway you’ve been dreaming of, I feel it necessary to let you in on a few secret travel tips known only to the… Read more »

MMMF 2015: Day 1 Rocked!

This weekend is a great time to hang out in the shade. (Read: it’s too damn hot to be caught in the sun.) That’s why you’ll find us chilling out under the leafy green with our sketchbooks at this year’s McDowell Mountain Music Festival. Well, that’s when we’re not in the press pit with all… Read more »

ANOTHER MMMF 2015 Pre-Report!

Tickets are selling out at McDowell Mountain Music Festival 2015!  As a music festival junkie formally trapped in the barren land that was once Phoenix, Arizona, I could not be prouder to boast that I now live in a land of Music festivals! Yes, this is Phoenix! That being said, you better get your tickets before… Read more »