What’s the Crowd at Governor’s Ball Like?

Wondering what’s the crowd at Governor’s Ball like? Let’s take a look before your travel plans take place.
All right, to be fair, we probably aren’t depicting a very good picture of the locals. Matter of fact, the crowd at Governor’s Ball are some of the coolest music fans that universally know how to party. Just get ready for a dense explanation on the transportation details if you’re foolish enough to ask as a tourist.
New York has an air of progressiveness to it. The Governor’s Ball crowd is looking for diamonds in the rough, willing to appreciate newer acts more than other crowds. It’s not all about the big names here and it’s refreshing to see. The majority of artists here receive an awesome reception.
There’s a great combining of the elements here. New Yorkers are some of the sharpest and savviest music fans within the US. The Governor’s Ball creates enough of a draw to pull them out of their apartments and enjoying some of the finest weather New York has to offer annually. We don’t know a better time of the year to exchange those New York pleasantries than during the warmer months in which Governor’s Ball is held.
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