Mythbusting ED: What You Need to Know About This Common Challenge

Are you having trouble getting it up? Are your efforts between the sheets waning like never before? You may be dealing with erectile dysfunction. This struggle below the belt is a tough topic to discuss with even your primary care provider. However, there’s some information you need to know about ED that may give you insight into better treatment options or underlying symptoms of the condition.

Symptoms and Causes


Of course, the obvious symptom of erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or maintain an erection. You should consult your doctor if you’re having this issue, or find that your libido just isn’t what it used to be. Sexual arousal is actually a much more complex process in men than cartoons or films make it seem. The truth is that other health conditions that you’re dealing with could be impacting your ability to get an erection.

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart problems are commonly associated with erectile dysfunction. Clogged blood vessels inhibit the ability to maintain or even get an erection by limiting circulation to intensify the muscles in the penis that make for maximum pleasure in the bedroom. Other underlying ailments like Parkinson’s disease and diabetes have even been linked to ED, which requires further medical intervention beyond your current treatment plan. In fact, some of the prescription medications you’re currently taking could be slowing testosterone production or inhibiting your sex drive.

Risk Factors


While preexisting conditions can be at the heart of erectile dysfunction, there are certain lifestyle changes that ED patients can make to alleviate the symptoms as quickly as possible. If you’re looking to reignite sexual stimulation, eliminating tobacco use is one way to get started. Smoking hardens the arteries, reducing blood flow to the penis. Those who struggle with erectile dysfunction should also try to limit their alcohol intake. Alcohol slows down the production of testosterone, while also impacting blood flow.

Beyond what you put into your system, consider your daily life when evaluating a plan to curb your ED. A sedentary lifestyle with limited exercise will also impact circulation, with obesity being another underlying issue of maintaining an erection. Stress and anxiety are also incredibly large factors in getting in the mood. You may have a tough time getting or keeping yourself stiff if you’re distracted by other things that are going on in your life. This can range from anxiety and depression to relationship issues at any years of age.

Treatment Plans


If you’re having trouble getting it up or staying up, ask your doctor about some of the erectile dysfunction treatments or medications that are on the market. Getting a treatment of testosterone therapy from a registered practice such as this TRT Englewood clinic is what doctors will highly recommend if low testosterone appears to be the cause of the problem. In regards to medication, Cialis and Viagra are among the common options and are available through your local pharmacy or even through an online pharmacy. While your doctor may be able to provide you with a free trial of the little blue pill, your health insurance may not cover the cost of a prescription. Be sure to look online for a Viagra coupon that can help curb the expense for both insured and uninsured ED patients.

You may want to even ask your care team or pharmacists about generic sildenafil, which provides the benefits of Viagra with the same active ingredient. Beyond obtaining this medicine, a primary care provider could recommend vitamins to better overall health. You could also be directed to a therapist under your insurance plan who can address any mental blocks that are preventing you from getting an erection. It’s important to take this medical advice seriously, understanding your treatment plan and total maximum savings through your insurer. You can make your erectile dysfunction issues a thing of the past.