A large group of people were clapping and hollering, some famous football player was trying to make the crowd get amped up, photos and phones were out everywhere. I was likely in the background of at least 50 instagram posts, in which you can see me power-walking like an 80s arobic instructor on my way to the Puppy Bowl Cafe. So, while Animal Planet filmed the actual Puppy Bowl months ago, they brought the Puppy Bowl Cafe to the 2015 Super Bowl Experience in Downtown Phoenix. So temporarily, Chloe’s Corner in Cityscape became puppy paradise, with teams Ruff vs. Fluff plastered everywhere on the walls, and inescapable cuteness.
If you do go to Chloe’s by the way, I highly recommend the corner chop salad–especially if candied walnuts make you drooly. Anyway, check these photos out from today:

There was a huge crowd of people oooing and ahhing at all the little critters from the Arizona Humane Society. It’s awesome that you can adopt any of the dogs that were “on the field” today, and there were quite a few (23, I believe?). You can catch the whole line up on the AZHS website. I was soooo stoked, this was way better than being able to see the Super Bowl or any Katy Perry halftime show.

Okay, so things didn’t really start off with a bang–more like a mutual cuddle and bite session. I was waiting for the moment when these guys would finally get into their groove…

Aaaaand nope….what can you do–puppies gotta sleep. In the meantime they brought out these two little stinkers, who were a bit more thrilled to be playing with squeaky things in front of a bunch of gawking strangers than their teammates.

Here we go! Live action shot of the football going up in the air by the referee (that’s how it works, right?) Again, they were mostly concerned with biting each others ears and flopping about like little droopy bunnies.

There we go! It was a shame I had to leave before these two could really duke it out. Hopefully they each find their furever home from this publicity stunt, they’re just too cute for words and I would totally take them but I think that would be a terrible idea at this point in my life. Oh well.
The Puppy Bowl Cafe will be happening in Phoenix from today, January 20 through February 1st. It’s free, so make sure you take a peek, you’ll be able to watch the pups from 10am-4pm until the Super Bowl packs up and leaves. They have more information about adopting at the scene, so grab a volunteer if you have questions, or you want to meet one of these huggable hounds one on one, go visit them next week!