Coachella 2014 sold out? It’s official.

*Updated 1/10/2014
Coachella weekend 1 sold out approximately 2:22 EST
Coachella weekend 2 sold out approximately 4:20 EST
You might be part of the many thousands concerned Coachella 2014 sold out if you missed your chance to purchase advance tickets. No, friend — the time for panic is not now. You still have a chance to attend the annual Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in 2014. Take a deep breath — the only thing you missed out on currently is the ability to utilize the Coachella Advance Sale Payment Plan. Occasionally this is the only realistic way for some of us to get there. If you have a bulging wallet on standby later down the road, you’re still in business. Okay, enough figures of speech. How can you secure yourself a Coachella ticket? Generally, Golden Voice will sell as many tickets during the advance sale as possible, greatly limiting the amount to be sold during the final push for tickets around the same time the Coachella 2014 lineup is released. This year the Coachella advance sale was open for several days. We surmise over 50% of tickets were sold over this span, potentially far more. This means that your chance to purchase a Coachella 2014 ticket are incredibly limited unless you resort to the resale market.
Best Way to Buy Coachella Tickets?
Enlist all the firepower you can during the final Coachella tickets sale. We recommend waiting in the Coachella standby system using different browsers (Chrome and Internet Explorer seemed to work best this year), even with your cell phone. Although this creates a staggering amount of traffic, you’ll just have to fight fire with fire here — virtually everyone else hungry for a ticket is following the same strategy. If you’re worried Coachella 2014 sold out, don’t fret. There’s still hope! A quick note about the resale market — avoid being gouged by online providers. Tickets generally sell closest to face value around the time of the music festival. Be sure to avoid scams and meet in public places for a valid Coachella 2014 wristband.