Bonnaroo Drug Use

Bonnaroo Drug Use

Maybe we’re missing something, but the Bonnaroo drug use has never seemed too prevalent. Sure, you have your pockets of marijuana smokers scattered throughout the grounds, but there’s generally nothing crazy to report on here.

Again, allow this to serve as a disclaimer, we suggest you always purchase your drugs beforehand (provided you’re into this sort of thing) instead of inside the grounds. Why? Purchasing your drugs inside the grounds, regardless if it’s from someone you know, can easily be spotted by the available undercover officers.

Never take more than you can handle. The heat is enough to contend with without jumping into a traumatic drug trip. Don’t rob yourself of any enjoyment here – there’s enough going on without running away with it.

Friends don’t let friends have a bad time at Bonnaroo! Make sure you take vigilant watch over the ones you travel to the music festival with, allowing for some responsibility. It goes without saying, but you’ll find yourselves better safe than sorry. Know when to step in and say something — you want to avoid a major struggle of getting home by the hair of your chin. Keep the water flowing throughout the afternoon and it’s generally smooth sailing during the evening.