Love beer? Love cats? Then head on over to Bag Of Nails right on St. George’s Road in Bristol. The pub offers tasty drinks along with the chance for visitors to spend some time with cats. We all know about cat cafés, but this cat pub might be the start of a new trend.

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Guests can enjoy delicious pints of beers, but the place is also occupied with a handful of adorable cats. The cats roam around the pub sitting on the bar, tables and even the laps of some very lucky guests. Bag Of Nails currently homes 15 cats and everyone seems to love this concept. They haven’t really received any complaints, but some guests have had to leave because they are allergic to cats. But so far having cats inside the pub really hasn’t hurt business one bit. If anything, it has helped the pub get on the map.

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The cats are very special to the pub because all of them, but one, were actually born inside the bar. And one of the cats was even born while the pub was hosting a quiz night. Bag Of Nails has become an Instagram sensation thanks to guests constantly posting photos of their frosty mugs alongside the pub’s cute cats.
Have you had a chance to visit Bag Of Nails? I would love to talk to someone who has had the opportunity to visit!