While vaping has come to be one of the most popular methods for consuming dry herbs, wax, and oil concentrates, the devices used to vaporize the material have become more compact.
Initially, most vaporizers were rather big and hardly ideal for travel without meticulous protection measures. Nowadays it boils down to the vape’s capabilities, as most desktop vaporizers cannot be used in a portable way. As technology has advanced, we now have an overabundance of highly capable vape pens that are ideal for stealth sessions on the go.
With this advancement comes rules, just like anything else. Here we will be going into the basics of traveling safely with your portable vape pens and how you can minimize the potential for having a really bad day while traveling with your vape pens.
It should be noted that whatever information contained is merely general and not specific to any one jurisdiction. Therefore, it would be prudent to simply look up your local laws regarding the accuracy of this information and abide by the laws set forth in your specific location.
Best Vape Pens to Travel With
For dry herb vaporizers, you are better off traveling by foot since the vapors produced by these types of vapes is very light and wispy. This makes for some quick stealth sessions that can go undetected. The nature of the vapor also dissipates quickly into the atmosphere. Check out myle mini for more options.
Wax pens are an okay choice too, though they are better suited for travel inside a personal vehicle, as attention needs to be given to the process of loading and initiating a session. This is nearly impossible while traveling by foot unless you stop somewhere, in which case your stealth needs can dwindle drastically.
E-juice and oil vape pens produce very thick and heavy clouds that are quite noticeable from a distance. These are best reserved for private use and can be safely travelled with by plane provided you properly store them and follow TSA guidelines. Obviously, you would not be able to vape on a plane, though one thing to consider is the type of vape you have.
Dry herb vapes would not be a good idea to travel with on a plane, and neither would a 3 in 1 vape. Though these are the most versatile, it is best to travel safely with them in either a personal or public mode of transportation on the ground.
Traveling by Foot
Whether you are locally traveling around town in your own city, the only real caveat here is to be aware of certain places and policies set in place that can prohibit you from either carrying or using a vaporizer. Certain businesses such as federal buildings will not allow you to smoke, much less vape on their premises. For this reason, it is probably best to choose a dry herb vaporizer due to its inherent light smoke that is not as conspicuous.
Other businesses may have policies set in place that while not illegal, you will still not be able to vape without the threat of being trespassed. This applies to smoking too and is not exclusive simply to vape users, so do not feel discriminated against for being one.
Another rule to consider is that one can still technically cross borders and state lines while on foot, and therefore should be aware of the potential consequences of crossing the border with certain vaporizers and materials. The best thing you could do is to simply research ahead of time to ensure you can cross state lines with both a vape and the materials.
If it is not ideal to do so, then refrain from doing so! If you have a medical condition that must be addressed with a vaporizer and you must travel by foot across a state line, then consider either purchasing a separate device at your final destination, or make other travel arrangements that allow for you to have a vape pen.
Traveling by Vehicle
This can be in or out of state by either a Greyhound bus, city transport, or even a local taxi. Again, you will have to do some research ahead of time to see if you are able to travel across state lines on public transportation with a vape pen in your bag. Dry herb and wax pens are more flexible for this mode of travel in a personal vehicle. Try to refrain from box mod vapes however, as their thick clouds can quickly turn a car into a “hot box.”
For the most part, you would be able to travel on a city bus or taxi locally with no problem. Another aspect to consider is traveling in your own vehicle, whether locally or not. You would want to make sure that you are able to travel with your vape pens and able to store it safely in a glove compartment if you cannot take it with you at your destination.
Certain parking lots might even prohibit you from parking a vehicle with vape pens inside, though this is not a common occurrence in places where they are sold. While it may be legal to carry a vape, places of business can refuse to allow someone to carry a vape on their premises.
Traveling safely with your vapes takes research and being inconspicuous to avoid attracting attention if you want to be left alone while out in public or traveling around town. Always be aware of the rules when being away from your home as you travel from place to place.
Traveling by Plane
TSA guidelines explicitly state that traveling with a vape pen is perfectly fine so long as you store them in your carry-on bag. If you happen to be traveling with more than 100 ml of e-juice as well, you will have to store that in your checked bag, otherwise you can put it in your carry-on.
One thing you will want to consider is that traveling with an oil vape pen would probably be the best choice, versus a dry herb or wax vape pen. The reason being is that residual buildup in a dry herb vape pen can pose a problem while going through the check-in, while a wax vape poses much of the same issue.
Traveling safely with your vape pens in a plane means making sure that your device is completely empty and cleaned out. It would be advisable to not travel by plane with a dry herb vape pen, even if it has been cleaned out. This will save you a potentially bad experience should the TSA decide to question you or hold you back.
Always make sure that you carry a very limited number of devices with you if you intend to stay for an extended period of time at your final destination. This is because if you run into a problem, you will only have one unit’s loss to deal with in a worst-case scenario.
Travel Tips
No matter where you are or where you are going, make sure that you are well versed in the laws of the land. Another great tip is to make sure you are carrying a spare number of coils and other accessories that are crucial to the integrity of your vaping devices.
Provided these components are an integral part of your vape sessions, only carry what you need. It should go without saying that one of the best rules to follow while traveling anywhere with your vapes is to make sure that they are always fully charged before going out, and only carry as much material with you as you intend to use.
Make sure your chargers are working and fully functional should you need to stop somewhere to recharge your device. An even better idea would be to carry a car charger if traveling in a personal vehicle so that you can charge your device on the go. Use caution and common sense if you intend to use your device in a vehicle while it is in motion.