Taking credit cards at your business or retail location is no longer an optional addition. If you want to make sure that you can reach the maximum number of clients around, you need to have a dependable credit card processing system on hand. Whether you choose to have a stationary credit card machine or one that is smartphone compatible, you need to realize the impact that this can have on your business. It opens the door for a wider variety of customers to come in and utilize your services or products. When you limit the payment options to only cash, it can drastically reduce your walk-in business.
Take a look below to see one of the best POS system options to use when it comes to being smartphone compatible.

When you run a restaurant or a retail store, you want to know that your credit card equipment is easily accessible from wherever you are. Working with a merchant account with SmartSwipe does just that. This type of card processing equipment is compatible with your smartphone allowing you to accept payment on the job when you’re doing plumbing work or at the table when you’re serving lunch. No matter where your business is, you can reliably accept credit card payments on the go, with a point of sale terminal such as the Clover Mini.
The benefits of this POS system include:
- Scheduling employees for work
- Managing tips
- Accepting payments
- Keeping up with inventory lists on the go
- Printing out receipts
- And so much more!
If you’re in the market for a new credit card system that will allow you the freedom to process where you need to, then the SmartSwipe system is the one for you. You can easily take your business on the road and know that at the end of the day you’re able to take payments when you need to.