Outside Lands Weather

Outside Lands weather is easily our favorite from any other US music festival. San Francisco may be a little chillier than your average California conditions – you can mainly thank the Bay for that – but we’ll take that over the merciless desert sun any day of the week. Conditions are so damn perfect it’s hard to overlook.
The average high during Outside Lands is just under 70 degrees, the average low only dropping down to somewhere in the mid-50’s. Make sure you bring an extra layer, especially if you’re the sit down and view it all in type. If you’re planning on dancing, you honestly have little to worry about here.
It’s no question the cooler climate will end up dictating your fashion choices in many cases. If choosing an awesome festival outfit is in your wheelhouse, we’ll tell you right now you might need to exercise some creativity. You’ll have a lot of options though on the dressier side, but dressing down for comfort requires a little bit more bravery.
The nights in San Francisco can be particularly chilly, a cool breeze rolling in from the nearby Bay. If you’re really getting down that particular day of the festival, we promise you won’t mind it one bit.