Outside Lands Fashion

Outside Lands fashion is heavily influenced by the weather and the area. As there’s no official camping provided through Golden Gate Park (although we’ve heard you can opt for the homeless overnighter route), essentially anything you walk in with is what you’re stuck with for the entire day.
“I bought this really pretty loose fitting top for Outside Lands. I’m not kidding when I say I was almost more excited to debut it out than the festival itself. I learned my lesson pretty quickly that night – the wind chill made it somewhere around 40 degrees that night … I don’t know, you think California and you immediately think to dress one way.” Ashlee P.

It’s pretty easy to tell the locals from the tourists at Outside Lands – they’re typically the ones ill prepared for the weather to go south.
Men, we suggest you dress for comfort. You may want to grab a long sleeve shirt at the very least or bring along your favorite sweatshirt.
Ladies, in addition to a minimal cardigan, we suggest you consider longer dresses if you’re opting for the more fashionable route. Some of our favorite dresses are available through Mod Cloth – their longer selection styles are all exceptional. So we’ve been told by many of you.