Going to a soccer game can be a fun and exciting time, but what happens if the weather doesn’t cooperate? While you may decide to stay home if the skies are looking a bit grim, the stadium doesn’t have that option. As such, they have to have plans in place to prepare for weather in any kind of event, whether it’s unusually cold or if something more ominous comes along, like a thunderstorm or hurricane. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at how soccer stadiums prepare for harsh conditions.
Assessing the Danger
Depending on where the stadium is, the people who run it will already have a good idea of what kind of weather to expect on a short and long-term basis. If it’s in the desert, then rain storms and heat waves are common, while snow and hail could be a routine challenge further north.
In some cases, the stadium may even have a meteorologist on hand to monitor different weather events and determine what the effects could be. Also, technology like a lightning detection system for the sports field or an outdoor weather station can provide valuable intel. Overall, most stadiums have plans in place for any kind of event, so it comes down to following their guidelines when it happens.
Keeping Everyone Informed
Fortunately, stadiums already have a built-in system for spreading news and information throughout the complex, whether it’s screens to watch the game or speakers for announcements. So, when the weather starts to act up, many operations will keep everyone (including the patrons) in the loop about the potential dangers, as well as what to do in the event of an evacuation.
Evacuating the Building
If necessary, a stadium may have to empty rather quickly if things get bad outside. However, depending on the kind of event, they may keep people inside the stadium for safety (i.e., high winds or tornados). If an evacuation happens, the building has markings for all exits and the staff will help patrons leave the building in an orderly fashion.
Overall, soccer stadiums are usually prepared for the worst, and they will have some kind of strategy in place once it happens. From canceling games when the weather gets bad to providing a comprehensive evacuation plan, they have everything covered.