Lollapalooza Fashion and Clothes

Looking for some Lollapalooza fashion and clothes advice? Weather conditions in Chicago can influence standard music festival style selections. Dress to adapt!
“Lolla adheres to your typical festival fashion trends. Tribal patterns and crop tops will not be in short supply. But with all the ex-frats and parents, expect a ton of cargo shorts and band tees. It’s pretty torn down the middle.”
Chicago somewhat falls into the east coast school of style, but there’s plenty of western 20-somethings that venture up and diversify the trends. The weather does however play a considerable role in how the savvy Lolla attendants will dress for the occasion.
Considering the weather can be very erratic, we suggest providing yourself with a few longer articles of clothing. As mentioned above, some layering can create an issue with overheating when the sun finally does roll around. So what’s your best option?
We love the outfit pictured above, cute top tucked into a flowing skirt. Bringing along a cardigan or long sleeve shirt can help keep you in the clear if the weather heads south — and still allow you to maintain the look.