We are fifty one days away from reaching the city of sin and beyond excited to join the 4th annual Life is Beautiful Festival. As a first timer there’s no way we are missing out on a single moment of this three day extravaganza. We are ecstatic, to say the least, to see that everyday caters to an amazing mix of soul, trap, classic rock, hip hop, alternative and electronic music.

Life is beautiful is hosted by Insomniac, one of the fiercest music event planners in the nation, and the same event sponsors responsible for the widely known Electric Daisy Carnival (held in Las Vegas too).
Unlike EDC, Life is Beautiful rends a wider range of genres and as a result we expect to see the broadest and most diverse crowd the festival has seen yet.

Life is beautiful might not be the oldest kid in the block but year and year again it’s proven itself to come back better and stronger. If you haven’t yet be sure to book your hotel room downtown soon.

Last minute flakes? We also love the festivals #FindFriendsForLifeisBeautiful movement which pairs you up with a fellow music enthusiast in a hotel room. It opens up window of opportunity to meet people and cuts the cost of your stay!
Stay tuned in following weeks as we put together an Ultimate Life is Beautiful must pack list. See ya in Vegas Kids!