Electric Daisy Carnival Fashion

Electric Daisy Carnival fashion has scaled back on being the stereotypical rave in recent years. While the furry boots and candy bracelets are engrained in the culture – you’re sure to see at least a few – don’t worry about showing up without these overdone accessories. You’re not the odd one out.
Dress for comfort. Our favorite EDC fashion is the type of easy and simple creations that allow the wearer to dance their ass off. That’s the whole point!
It’s worth mentioning Electric Daisy Carnival fashion is perhaps the best festival to dress flamboyantly. Own it.

Expect warmer temperatures and dress for a good time. Scantily clad ladies are a regular part of the crowd but personally we choose to believe in leaving more to the imagination.
Electric Daisy Carnival fashion is a great opportunity to get creative. This crowd is way more into the music and the experience as opposed to fixating on what you wear. If you’re feeling a little bold, try something totally experimental that allows for easy body movement. Coordinated outfits are a fine choice — just toe the line and try not to go completely overboard.
Colder locations are a little more prone to layering. Our New York audience might want to consider blending loose fitting sweaters and cover ups.