How to easily get from Tivat airport to Budva?


Budva is a pearl of Montenegro, it’s the most popular place in the country. It offers a great vacation both for active tourists who’d love to see the historical landmarks and also for those travelers who come to relax and enjoy a lovely beach. Budva is full of life: musical festivals, night clubs, restaurants and concerts — you will find something exciting for you. Both public transport and commercial transport are available on most of the routes in Budva.


All transport options on the route from Tivat airport to Budva


The distance between Tivat and Budva is not that long — just around 20 kilometers. You can easily go from Tivat airport to Budva by bus, commercial shuttles or taxi. The time and money you spend will depend on the option you go for: a bus trip will be around 40-50 minutes for just €2, while going by commercial shuttle is a bit more expensive: you need to pay €4 for a forty-minute trip. If you want to save some money and don’t have many heavy bags with you, you can use public transport. Still, the fastest (and safest) option is, of course, taxi and transfer. If you put comfort first, you should go for this option.

The price for a transfer booked in advance will start from €18 (the trip is around 25 minutes), while the price for a taxi on the spot may vary and you should ask the driver whether they have any extra costs or not.

Tips on the route Tivat airport — Budva

Sure, if you need to get the cheapest option of transportation from Tivat airport to Budva, opt for the city buses. Still, you first need to find the bus stop (just walk for some 5-10 minutes to get there). Please remember that if you have lots of bags, you won’t find it convenient. Commercial buses are faster and more comfortable: they have enough space for you and your luggage. Sadly, they head off from the bus station and have a long time gap between the routes.

Those tourists who come to Tivat in the night / who have a lot of bags / who are traveling with little children / with elderly relatives should choose taxi and transfer as it’s the perfect option for them.

Buses Tivat airport — Budva

  • Igalo / Herceg Novi — Budva
  • 40-50 minutes in the road
  • 30 minutes waiting at the bus stop
  • Price €2
  • Comfort level: low

Shuttles Tivat airport — Budva

  • Blueline, Gardasevic
  • 40 minutes in the road
  • 1,5-2 hours waiting at the bus station
  • Price €4
  • Comfort level: middle

Taxi / transfer Tivat airport — Budva

  • Transfer / Taxi on the spot
  • 25 minutes in the road
  • Transfer no need to wait (meet at arrival) / taxi 5 minutes waiting
  • Transfer price is fixed €18; taxi price can vary
  • Comfort level: middle

Don’t forget to see in Budva:

  • The Old City
  • St. John the Baptist church
  • St. Mary church
  • St. Roko Church
  • Kalimania Bay
  • The Palace Bucha