Drugs at Outside Lands

Drugs at Outside Lands is a fact of life. While we aren’t encouraging you to partake by any means – honestly, there’s more than enough beer and wine to satisfy – we also won’t pretend it’s not cemented into the festival culture. Hence, we’d like to use this space to share some of your drug stories and relay you should never take anything you can’t handle.
“Molly was really popular among my group of friends when we went. I wasn’t really feeling it and ended up spending a lot of time in Wine Land. After seeing how terrible they felt the following morning, I was pretty happy with my decision. Not to mention I picked up on several bottles I’d never tried before. I even included one brand in particular at my wedding a few months later.” Hannah R.
And then there’s the greener side of things,
“Weed was everywhere the year I went. There’s just an exorbitant amount of it – and it’s great stuff too. There’s a lot of stress involved in attending a music festival, it’s just a fact of life. The abundance of weed at Outside Lands really helped calm my nerves and allowed me to enjoy probably a lot more of it than I would have otherwise.” Zach J.