Coachella Prep & Festival Eats Feature

coachella prep eatsOne of our favorite aspects to Coachella prep is getting a lowdown on the unique food trucks that provide the eats for the entire Coachella community. Whereas many people sweating in the middle of the desert and seeing performance art may not be entirely concerned about taste, the food at Coachella is actually a major highlight.

One of our favorite trucks since the very beginning of Coachella festival was Spicy Pie – it has something for virtually everyone. There’s nothing better than a slice of gourmet pizza, for some unexplained reason, in the midst of one of the hottest festivals of the year.

Coachella Prep is About the Eats

Why does it get our top recommendation? A few of us are vegetarian and have slightly less options going into the grounds. The thing about Coachella is they acknowledge the needs of their festival goers with a progressive attitude, even opening up the doors to a farmer’s market in recent years.

So while we sit here and dream of Spicy Pie, we sit and wait for the reported vendors to be announced. We’ll make sure we keep you all posted on what to expect and also give you the lowdown on which places to seek out.

If you’re anything like us, the hunger pangs make everything delicious. It still doesn’t hurt to have a rundown on the vendors to check out. We’re sure there will be a few surprises this year we can’t wait to try.

What are your favorite food trucks at Coachella? Tell us for our next Coachella prep feature.