MusicfestNW Fashion and Clothes

MusicfestNW Fashion and Clothes

MusicfestNW fashion and clothes are some of our favorite music festival fashion in existence. For our money, there’s no cooler threads than what you’ll typically find around here. Portland itself is chalk full of specialty and vintage stores to outfit you appropriately.

You have a lot of options with MusicfestNW clothes as the festival primarily takes place within the comfort of indoors.

Need some help deciding what to wear? Our personal favorite Portland shop is Living Threads Vintage. They’ll set you up with a certifiably rad outfit. When the locals are raving about a shop, you know there’s probably special something going on inside.

Vintage clothing is a huge market in the Portland area and definitely responsible for making up a lot of the outfits you’ll see at MusicfestNW.

Regardless of how you dress, this festival has some of the easiest to manage conditions around. Dare to be bold with your fashion! Homemade outfits and crafts are highly encouraged when it comes to the Portland music scene. Weirdness is embraced in full out here, don’t find yourself getting hung up on being eccentric.

As we always stress when it comes to music festivals, comfort is always key. Anticipate some chillier evenings when you’re out & about throughout the Portland area.